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For information on the Vaccine against Covid -19 please see this helpful blog:

There are lots of myths circulating on social media about how to protect yourself from the Covid-19 virus. (See Keeping to the facts below.) We recommend the official NHS guidance

Latest Translations in Multiple Languages 

Please try to get this information out to people whose first language is not English. 

Healthcare advice from  Doctors of the World in 60 languages –  in partnership with Clear Voice, Red Cross and Migrant Help. Includes video and audio files and animations to come.  See also their Translated health Information for Patients page covering a range of health topics, including coronavirus and migrants’ healthcare rights in the UK, and come in a variety of formats including the brilliant Infographic on Migrants Right to Healthcare

Basic  Covid-19 guidance as an infographic in multiple languages
– How to do a Covid-19 test at home: video in various languages

Public Health England has produced translated guidance about access to COVID-19 testing and that treatment is free of charge, irrespective of immigration status in 40 languages (including English). Please visit the PHE Migrant Health Guide under sub-heading ‘Translated advice and guidance for the public’ to access the full set of languages. These translations are based on the simplified message in English available on the NHS website.  Public Health England have also produced translated campaign posters on COVID-19 ‘Stay alert to stay safe’ posters – These have been translated into Bengali, Indian-Punjabi, Pakistani-Punjabi, Polish, Slovak, Somali and Urdu covering hand washing, limiting contact, keeping a safe distance, self-isolation and working from home. Click here to access these posters.

Government Covid-19 guidance. Currently available in: Arabic, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, Bengali, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Urdu, Gujerati  and Welsh

Leeds City Council have videos in 11 different languages (Polish, Romanian, Urdu, Arabic, Czech, Punjabi, Tigrinya, Farsi, Slovak, Kurdish Sorani and Bengali). There are three different videos which focus on:

  • Spot the signs – This short film contains information to help people spot the signs of coronavirus and gives advice for households with possible coronavirus infection.
  • Handwashing advice This short film contains information about how you can help stop the spread of viruses, like coronavirus, by practising good respiratory and hand hygiene.
  • Essential advice – This short film contains information for households with possible coronavirus infection. Please be aware that this is an evolving situation and public advice may change.


Doctors of the World have leaflets on keeping young people healthy in 10 languages. These include The NHS, Love, Sex and You, Mental Health and Sleep and Healthy Living.

The British Red Cross have produced some tips for staying connected and an Emergency Contact Card where people can write the name of the person they would wish to be contacted should they become seriously ill. This may be next of kin, a family member or friend. The Emergency Contact Card is to be completed in English so that emergency services can easily contact the person’s designated person. The accompanying language guides explain this and tips for people not confident in speaking/writing English.

Stay at Home Guidance

Guidance on social distancing for vulnerable people

UK Government Coronavirus Information Service on WhatsApp

 The new GOV.UK Coronavirus Information Service is a free automated ‘chatbot’ service which will allow the British public to get accurate answers to the most common questions about coronavirus direct from government.

To use the free GOV.UK Coronavirus Information Service on WhatsApp, simply add 07860 064422 in your phone contacts and then message the word ‘hi’ in a WhatsApp message to get started.

Keeping to the facts

There is a lot of unhelpful and confusing messages on social media and it is important to know the facts to counteract what can be dangerous messaging. 

Full Fact has a regularly updated page which busts some of the unhelpful myths circulating. 

The Ferret in Scotland also has a good page regularly factchecking misinformation about Covid-19

Information is Beautiful have infographics on the Covid-19 global pandemic as well as a helpful page on Coronavirus Myths and Misconceptions

Test and trace scam